How To Overcome The Struggle With Self Care


Do you find it easier to take care of everyone else’s needs before your own?

Do you know you should take some time to rest and relax, but there’s so much to do first?

It's easy to put off taking care of yourself. I've certainly done it.

And yet, you are always important.

When you allow yourself to rest and recharge, you feel better and you're able to be more present for your loved ones.

That's why I'm sharing 4 common reasons we avoid self care and what we can do instead.

I hope you're inspired to do at least one small thing that helps you relax and feel better.


1. We Think It Takes Too Much Time

We may think self care involves long periods of time that we can't imagine fitting into our already busy schedules.

An hour for

A yoga class plus travel time?

Or a long bath?

Or time to read?

Certainly all of these things are wonderful.

But so is a:

  • 5 minute yoga video on youtube

  • 10 minute warm shower

  • 15 minute nap

  • 15 minutes of reading before bed.

If you're worried about the time commitment, pick a much smaller amount of time to start with - whatever feels most doable to you.

You can always extend the time later.

2. We Think The Results Are Beyond Our Reach

Self care sometimes becomes synonymous with buying things to help us feel better - candles, foods, natural oils, etc.

Sometimes self-care is defined as a regular practice that will result in our feeling totally renewed, full of self love, almost as if we're a different person.

It makes perfect sense for these to feel expensive, daunting and beyond reach!

Beyond the purchases, these types of self care are also much more about personal growth.

While personal growth is always important, it does take longer and can happen separately from what we’re talking about here.

We're simply looking for small, yet helpful, things you can do to take care of yourself so you're not overwhelmed by busy-ness or stress.

If the results feel beyond your reach, realize you might be expecting too large a change.

If you can catch yourself thinking this way, you can dial back your expectations and switch gears to what you need to feel better right now.

3. We Think Putting Ourselves First Means We Put Others Last

As a loving, devoted parent, prioritizing the care of your family can make you feel good and show your loved ones how much you care about their needs.

That's fantastic, as long as you aren't neglecting yourself in the process.

It doesn't have to be EITHER you take care of others OR you take care of yourself.

It can be you take care of others AND you take care of yourself.

You've heard the analogy of the oxygen mask on the airplane - you put on your own oxygen mask first so you're able to assist others.

It's the same with self care.

Taking care of your physical and mental health improves your ability to take care of others.

It's actually the opposite of being selfish.

Self care allows you to better care for others in the ways you truly want.

4. We Think You Need To Push Through, Rather Than Stop

We get so many messages in our society that we just need to push through hard times; that to stop and rest is a show of weakness or a lack of dedication.

I’m no stranger to pushing myself through periods of stress at home or at work. At times, I’ve told myself I don't have any time for fun or relaxation - I just need to keep going!

But I've learned that not taking time for yourself can add to your stress and ultimately lead to having less energy and focus to get things done.

Also, if you’re stressed and just keep pushing yourself to get through each day, you might burn out.

Neither of these scenarios is ideal.

Like the either / or thinking in the example above, this pushing can cause us to ignore our feelings or the tension in our bodies that are the clear clues that we need to take care of ourselves.

It's a shift to pause and see these clues as important, and not as a weakness.

It's a shift to not only recognize these clues, but respect them, and then act on them, finding ways to take care of ourselves.

If this is an issue you struggle with, I encourage you to tune in to how you feel to recognize when you need self-care.

Wrap Up

  1. Which of these 4 reasons apply to you?

  2. What other reasons keep you from taking even better care of yourself?

  3. What is one small thing you can do to give yourself some rest and relaxation?

Self Care Examples To Encourage Your Thinking

  • Reading

  • Working on a puzzle

  • Engaging in a favorite hobby

  • Creating or doing something artistic

  • Listening to your favorite music

  • Going for a walk

  • Taking short breaks during the work day

  • Doing yoga poses

  • Doing part of an exercise video

  • Meditating for three minutes

  • Dancing to your favorite song

  • Calling a friend to connect and/or talk about your feelings

  • Taking a short shower or bath

  • Eating healthy food

  • Getting 30 minutes more sleep

Take the Next Step

Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, and you don’t have to navigate it alone. Every parent deserves guidance tailored to their unique needs. Here are some ways I can support your journey:

1) Get free parenting tips - Click HERE for valuable advice tailored to real-life parenting challenges.

2) Explore parenting classes - Click HERE to discover classes designed to empower and inspire you.

3) Schedule a free, confidential consultation - Click HERE to connect for a one-on-one conversation about your family. 

I believe every family deserves guidance that honors your individual needs, and I’m passionate about helping parents find practical, meaningful solutions that help their family thrive. Let’s work together to create positive and lasting changes for your family.