How To Help Your Kids Stop Fighting
And Get Along
If you have more than one child, it’s almost guaranteed that they’ll fight at some point.
But, as a loving parent, you want your kids to be close, and to love and support each other.
When those constant arguments break out, you can feel frustrated, stressed and helpless, especially when nothing you do seems to work.
"How To Help Your Kids Stop Fighting And Get Along" shows you how to help your kids resolve their conflicts, so everyone listens and respects each other, and you have more peace in your home.
When your kids argue, do you:
Feel like the fighting drives you crazy?
Make suggestions, but that just makes the argument worse?
Get annoyed with your kids for arguing over petty things?
Yell or punish your kids, but it doesn’t help, and you feel bad afterwards?
Leave the room because the stress feels overwhelming?
Worry that your kids will never learn to get along?
Long for peace and quiet!
Imagine what it will feel like to stay calm and have the family harmony you long for.
How amazing would it be to:
Hear your kids laughing as they played together.
Smile as you see your kids sharing and being kind to each other.
Feel calm, relaxed and happy about your kids and your parenting.
Know you have given your children problem solving skills they can use for the rest of their lives.
Have more peace and joy in your home.
You're the kind of parent who truly cares and is trying hard to raise your children to be happy, kind, confident, resilient and well behaved.
You’re not alone if you start feeling some doubt about yourself and your kids when they fight.
It’s totally normal to worry about whether we’re doing a good enough job as parents and whether our kids will grow up not being close.
No parent should have to worry alone about how to help their kids stop fighting and get along.
You need strategies that will help your children resolve their conflicts and treat each other kindly.
That’s exactly why I created “How To Help Your Kids Stop Fighting And Get Along” to take you from feeling frustrated and frazzled to feeling calm and confident about how you’re parenting your kids and how they interact with each other.
I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle with sibling fighting. I’m a mom, and my kids are turning 13 and 17. They are close now, but when they were younger, there were several years where it seemed like their arguments would never stop.
They would come to me and complain about each other, one would make the other one cry, and the constant bickering about the smallest things made me want to come out of my skin! I just wanted the fighting to end once and for all!
After leaning back on my work experience in counseling and conflict management, (and not giving up!), I finally figured out how to help my kids get along and have a happier home.
My kids still sometimes have arguments - they are only human! But they also know how to work things out, put the problem behind them, and feel close again.
As a certified coach and former leadership trainer, I’ve led over a hundred workshops to help people communicate effectively, feel more calm and confident as parents, and have more peace in their lives.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this free, one hour class:
When to intervene in your kids’ arguments and when to stay out of them!
3 key things to avoid when your kids are fighting.
3 ways to encourage good feelings between siblings.
5 solutions for common sibling arguments.
“Before working with Sharon, I was anxious and overwhelmed because my kids were fighting with each other all the time. Now I know how to get their attention, what to say, when to get involved and when to stay out of it. My kids and I are so much calmer! It’s such a relief!”
“It felt like nothing I said or did got my kids to stop fighting and I was so stressed. You’ve given me a different way to think about fighting between siblings as well as some practical tips to try. I’m already seeing a difference in my kids! ”
“The approaches you shared made a lot of sense. I tried accepting feelings and used your suggestions when my kids started arguing. It worked! Thank you!”
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