How To Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns
The dreaded meltdown.
There you are trying to get your child ready for bed, out the door, or worse, you’re in the middle of Target, and your child loses it.
You’ve tried:
Ignoring them
Reasoning with them
Time outs
Giving in and buying the toy they’re begging for!
… and nothing is working
Don’t lose hope or blame yourself!
Tantrums and meltdowns are common and normal and they don’t mean you’re doing anything wrong as a parent!
You also don’t just have to accept them or feel lost about what to do.
“How To Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns” teaches you a proven method for calming your child in the moment and reducing the likelihood of tantrums in the future. All done in a way that feels comforting to your child, and leaves you feeling good about how you handled it.
Do you feel:
Exhausted from all your child’s tantrums.
Dread in your stomach that another round of craziness is about to start.
Embarrassed that your child melted down in public.
Worn out from trying everything with no results.
Overwhelmed - like you’re about to lose your mind!
Imagine what it would feel like to calm your child down quickly and feel like the in control, confident and caring parent you want to be.
How amazing would it feel to:
Know exactly what to say and do when your child acts up.
Hear your child telling you what is bothering them, so you can help.
Stay calm and confident, even when your child is stressed, upset or angry.
Love your child deeply in their most challenging moments.
Have more peace and joy in your home and your life.
This one-on-one coaching program is for parents who truly care and are trying to raise their children to be happy, kind, confident, resilient and well behaved.
All you need are strategies that will help your child calm down, listen, communicate, and come back to their fun, sweet, happy self.
That’s exactly why I created “How To Handle Tantrums and Meltdowns” to help you stop feeling frustrated, lost or doubting yourself, and start feeling calm and confident as you use a proven method for getting your child back on track.
I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle with kids with strong emotions. I’m a mom, and my kids are 13 and 17.
One of my kids is very strong willed. She would get defiant and intensely upset when she didn’t get her way.
I tried everything I could think of to help her calm down.
Nothing worked until I leaned back on my background of seventeen years in counseling and leadership training and used an approach, backed by research, that got her to relax within minutes.
This same approach now works for my clients as well.
As a parent coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of parents of toddlers to teens to resolve conflicts and struggles with their kids, so everyone in your family can get along better, and you can enjoy your time with your kids.
Here’s how we can give your child what they need to flourish:
Over 4 weeks, we’ll collaborate to create a plan that works for you.
Every family is different and that’s why you receive a customized plan dedicated to the specific needs of your family.
We do this in 4, one-hour, personalized, weekly calls where you get the specific tools you need to calm your child when they’re upset and prevent future meltdowns.
The tools you learn will work now and as your child grows. You’ll have skills to use with your child for the rest of your life!
As you put your plan and tools into action, I’ll support you every step of the way.
If you have questions in between sessions, you can email me, so you don’t have to wait.
And if you have a question in between sessions that is better discussed in person, we’ll hop on a short phone call together, so you get your question answered quickly, and feel confident about whatever you decide.
You’ll never feel uncertain about what to do next.
I specialize in offering not only empathy and understanding (as a parent myself, I really do empathize!), but years of experience, research-backed methods and practical tips you can apply right now to feel calm and confident and know you are doing the best for your kids.
Your investment in yourself and your family:
To get started, schedule a free, no obligation consultation call today.
Your path to a peaceful and joyful family begins here.
Let’s get started.
“Acknowledging my daughter’s feelings has made such a big difference! I can help her calm down when she starts getting upset and she isn’t going in to full blow tantrums anymore. This skill is everything! I will do this forever. I’m so grateful I learned this from you.”
“My kid went from crazy to calm and a joy to be around. The parenting tools I learned from Sharon were invaluable. And, with Sharon’s help, I worked on myself too. I’m so much calmer in my parenting now. Changing me changed my son. ”
“I’d read all the parenting books and liked the theory, but the disconnect was putting it into practice. Between our long work hours and the kids not listening unless we yelled, everything felt like it was constantly too much. Sharon’s support, encouragement and suggestions helped me stop yelling and feel proud of my parenting. My kids finally listen now! Sharon is so easy to talk to and helps you find solutions that fit you and your family. I can’t recommend her enough! ”
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Do you work with both parents together?
Yes! If both parents want to come to sessions together to help their child(ren), that is fantastic! It really benefits your child and your relationship when you are on the same page about parenting.
2) My family is uniquely wonderful but doesn't fit the nuclear family norms. Is this a safe space?
Welcome! Yes, I love to work with all kinds of wonderful families. The common denominators are always that the parents deeply love their children and they’re ready to learn some new approaches to help their kids and their family.
If you’d like to talk to me about any concerns or special needs, we can do that during your free, consultation call. Click here to schedule.
3) My child has been diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, or another neurodiversity. Can you help us?
I am not an expert and do not have special training about ADHD, Autism and other neurodiversities. I have read extensively about ADHD because of some close, personal relationships.
If you are not already working with a specialist in these areas, I can recommend some. If you are already working with a specialist, I can support you in implementing the approaches they recommend.
Click here to schedule a free, consultation call so we can discuss your specific situation and how I can best support you.
Ready to end tantrums and meltdowns?
You deserve more peace, love and joy in your family and your life.