Create More Peace and Joy In Your Family


As a devoted parent of a pre-schooler to pre-teen, you long for a close relationship with your children, and a family that loves each other and gets along.


But the arguing, yelling, whining, and not listening is really getting you down.

Despite your best efforts, it feels like you and your kids are fighting the same battles day after day, and you’re wondering if this cycle will ever end.


Create More Peace and Joy in Your Family” helps you end this stress and struggle, so you have more peace in your life and enjoy spending time with your kids!  

  • Exhausted by the constant tension, negotiations and arguments.

  • Frustrated that your kids don’t respect you and keep pushing back.

  • Yelling at your kids when you swore you wouldn’t, and now you feel bad.

  • Leaving the room to escape when it all feels like too much.

  • Sad and worried that your kids don’t get along.

  • Overwhelmed because nothing you’ve tried is working, you don’t understand why, and it feels like you’re losing at this parenting thing.

  • Hurting because you and your spouse/partner are both unsure about what to do or don’t agree on the best way to handle things.

  • Wondering if you should give in and wait for your kids to grow out of this challenging stage.


Imagine what it will feel like to have the close relationship with your child you’ve always wanted.

  • Hear your kids laughing together and getting along?

  • Feel relaxed and happy about how you are parenting your kids?

  • Feel calm and confident no matter what crazy parenting situation comes up?

  • Smile as you enjoy a closer relationship with your kids?


But no one teaches you exactly how to do that! When you become a parent, there’s no special manual, especially to get through the tough times.

You can read a million books, but it’s not always easy to apply what the books say, and sometimes your child’s unique needs aren’t even addressed.

That’s exactly why I created “Create More Peace and Joy in Your Family” to take you from feeling frustrated, uncertain and overwhelmed to feeling calm and confident about how to take care of your kids.


I’m a mom and my kids are 16 and 20 (one in high school and one in college).  I know what it’s like to struggle as a parent. 

After a period of frustration and self-doubt when my kids were young and I felt overwhelmed, I discovered solutions to stop yelling, encourage my kids to get along, and have them listen when I asked. As a result, we grew much closer as a family.

Other parents noticed that my kids were behaving and I was much calmer, and started asking me for parenting advice. I was gratified when my suggestions worked for them too!

That’s when I decided to become a certified coach to help more parents ease the tension and bring more joy to their families.

As a parent coach and former leadership trainer, I’ve helped hundreds of people to communicate effectively, feel more calm and confident as parents, and have more peace in their lives.


Parenting is the most important job you’ll ever have. 

You’re raising a child to be a happy, kind, confident, resilient adult who is a positive member of society.

No parent should have to worry about how to care for their child.

No parent should have to worry about whether you’re making the right decisions and doing the best for your child.

In the “Create More Peace and Joy in Your Family” coaching program, you’ll let go of your frustration and doubts, and feel confident about how you’re parenting your kids.

Here’s how we can give your child what they need to flourish:

Over the course of 4 months, we’ll collaborate to create a plan that works for you.

  • Every family is different and that’s why you receive a customized plan dedicated to the specific needs of your family.

  • We do this in 16 personalized, weekly calls where you get the specific tools you need to create more peace and joy in your home.  Sessions for one parent are 1 hour long and sessions for couples are 1.5 hours.

  • The tools you learn will work now and as your child grows. You’ll have skills to use with your child for the rest of your life!

As you put your plan and tools into action, I’ll support you every step of the way. 

  • If you have questions in between sessions, you can email me, so you don’t have to wait.

  • And if you have a question in between sessions that is better discussed in person, we’ll hop on a short phone or Zoom call together, so you get your question answered quickly. 

  • You’ll never feel uncertain about what to do next.

I specialize in offering not only empathy and understanding, but years of experience, research-backed methods and practical tips you can apply right away to feel calm and confident and know you are doing the best for your kids.

Your investment in yourself and your family:

$1599 for individual coaching
$1999 for couples coaching
Payment plans are available

To get started, schedule a free, no obligation consultation call.

Your path to a peaceful and joyful family begins here.

Let’s get started.


I was feeling very down about all the arguing and not being listened to. Sharon made me feel safe to pour out my heart. She really listened and gave me thoughtful, on point, very caring advice. When I tried it, my family responded so positively. The way we talk and listen to each other has already improved! I would recommend Sharon as a coach in a heartbeat.
— Debbie S.
I signed up to work with Sharon when my son was going through a very difficult time. I’m not the kind of person who spends a lot of money on myself, but I knew I needed the help, since I couldn’t help my son and myself on my own. Sharon is very caring and professional, and has your best interests at heart. She asked me the important questions I needed to answer in order to help myself and my son. As a result, I can talk to my son in a way that helps and supports him, and our relationship has improved. I’ve stopped stress eating, exercise more, take better care of myself and I’ve lost weight. The strategies I learned also help me set better boundaries in my professional and personal relationships. Investing the time to have the tools I learned from Sharon become more habitual is what made the difference. If you’re ready to make some changes in your life, I highly recommend working with Sharon.
— A.S.
Sharon has been an inspiration to me in many ways: for keeping faith in what is possible; for exercising self-restraint while figuring things out; for remaining simultaneously warm, receptive and firm; and for taking advantage of “educational moments.” As a mother of six, I highly recommend Sharon as a Parent Coach. She’s one of the smartest people I’ve met, a dedicated and compassionate human being, and an inspiring mother. You will surely benefit from her wisdom, insight, clarity and support!
— B.Y. Shani

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Do you work with both parents together?
Yes! If both parents want to come to sessions together to help their child(ren), that is fantastic! At our consultation call, we can also discuss whether it would be helpful to have individual as well as joint sessions, so we can tailor plans to meet your needs both as a parenting unit and as individuals.

2) My family is uniquely wonderful but doesn't fit the nuclear family norms. Is this a safe space? 

Welcome! Yes, I love to work with all kinds of wonderful families. The common denominators are always that the parents deeply love their children and they’re ready to learn some new approaches to help their kids and their family. If you’d like to talk to me about any concerns or special needs, we can do that during your free, consultation call. Click here to schedule.

Ready to begin creating more peace and joy in your family?

Start creating the close, loving family you dream of!