How To Help Your Kids
Over The Pandemic Wall
I work with devoted parents of toddlers to tweens who really love their kids.
But, you’re worried about how the pandemic is affecting your children, and you’re not sure what to say and do when they act out or complain about missing their old life.
"How To Help Your Kids Over The Pandemic Wall" gives you confidence and tools to address these situations and build your kids' resilience.
Are your kids:
Bored with school, when they used to look forward to it?
Lonely and frustrated that they can’t see their friends?
Lazy and unmotivated?
Having tantrums more often?
Asking how long the pandemic is going to last and telling you they’re over it?
Imagine how good it would feel to go from feeling uncertain and overwhelmed about how to help your kids to knowing how to support them so they feel better about their life and themselves.
How amazing would you feel if:
The weight of worrying about your kids was lifted from your shoulders?
You heard your kids laughing and enjoying their day?
Your kids were able to finish this school year on a good note?
Your home was more quiet and peaceful?
You and your family started believing you could get through this stressful time?
You're the kind of parent who truly cares and is trying hard to raise your kids to be happy, kind, confident and resilient.
You need the strategies that will help your kids move out of the frustration, boredom and sadness that social distancing is causing.
That’s the exact reason I created “How To Help Your Kids Over The Pandemic Wall” to take you from feeling worried about how your kids are struggling to feeling confident that you have strategies to help them cope.
I’m a mom, and my kids are 12 and 16, so I know firsthand what it’s like to see your kids have a tough time with social distancing. As a certified parent coach and former leadership trainer, I’ve led over a hundred workshops to help people successfully resolve conflict, feel more calm and confident as parents, and have more peace in their life.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this free, one hour Zoom class:
What to say and do to help your kids with common issues they are facing right now.
Tips to reduce stress for your whole family.
Strategies to help build your kids’ resilience.
I specialize in offering not only empathy and understanding (and, as a parent myself, I really do empathize!), but years of experience, research-backed methods and practical tips you can apply right now to feel calm and confident and know you are doing the best for your kids.
Start making this stressful time easier for your children.
You’ll gain calm, confidence and tools to help your children through this stage of the pandemic.
“I took a lot of notes and have a plan! I greatly appreciate being reminded that we can only do so much and we have to focus on what we can control.....or even might be able to do with a bit of ingenuity and some spunk! Thanks SO very much for your time and expertise!”
“Sharon, thank you so much for your presentation. It was very impactful. These are unprecedented circumstances and I really need the tools you gave us for coping and overcoming.”
“Even though we all have very different backgrounds and lifestyles we all benefited from all the wonderful insights that you provided for us. Looking forward to implementing some new strategies to help my kids! Thank you again for this enlightening program.”