How to Find Calm In Stressful Times

It feels like you’re in a strange, unfamiliar world.  You’re practicing social distancing, staying home, working from home, homeschooling your kids, hardly going out. 

You’re carrying a lot of anxiety about yourself and your kids. And lots of questions.  How long will this situation last?  What effect will it have on my kids?  How do I answer their questions and help them feel less frustrated?  Should I be doing more?

What are my kids going to do this summer without camps and their friends?  How can I balance my time between work and spending time with my kids? How can I create a schedule, keep them busy, engaged and active so they don’t go stir crazy?  How do I keep them from fighting with each other now that we’re together so much?  How do I calm myself, so I can focus better and be there for my kids?

You feel overwhelmed, alone, exhausted, and you’re not sure the best way out of your cycle of worry.

You want answers.

You want to feel calmer, to trust yourself more, so you can feel more confident and able to support your family.

You’re ready for effective ways to talk to your kids about what’s going on so they feel better, and strategies to make it easier for them to get through this time.

You want to feel like you have a better plan for keeping your kids busy, handling tension between siblings and managing each day.  You’re ready to feel that you have more control.

That’s exactly why I created this program: How to Find Calm In Stressful Times.

I work with parents of toddlers to tweens, who are feeling exhausted, frustrated or overwhelmed by the challenges of living during this unique time. I help parents learn how to manage their anxiety, so they can provide better support for themselves and their family.

You’ll learn exactly the things you need to find calm for yourself and share a calm, resilient mindset with your children.  You’ll have a game plan for managing your daily challenges. You’ll be reassured by the difference you feel in yourself, and your kids will be calmer too.

As a result of this program you will have:

  • Proven approaches to address your biggest challenge right now.

  • Strategies to reduce your anxiety and support your children.

  • A calmer, more organized home.

  • Closer, more loving relationships with your kids.

Here’s What’s Included:

1. Jump Start Questionnaire - To get started, you'll answer some written questions about your family to help us zero in on the specific challenge you want help with, so you get the most out of our work together.

2. A Plan That Works - In our 90 minute coaching session, we'll look at the specific situation you've chosen, and you'll receive personalized approaches for how to stay calm, and what to say and do with your kids to achieve your goal.

3. Unlimited Support - Between our first and second call, you’ll have time to implement the new approaches for yourself and with your kids, and email me with any questions. I’ll respond within 24 hours (Monday through Friday).

4. Follow Up For Success - Two weeks after our coaching session, we’ll have a 30 minute follow up call to discuss what’s going well, and the next steps to take from here, so you can continue to feel more calm and confident and support your kids in the ways you want.

You can find the calm and resilience you need for yourself and your family.

Investment: $99

Let’s Get Started!

Ready to start working with me? Wonderful! Here’s what to do:

Step 1: Make your payment here.

Step 2: After making your payment, you’ll receive an email from me with your questionnaire.

Step 3: When you return your questionnaire and let me know when you’re available to meet, you’ll receive a second email from me confirming our session time and the phone number to call.

Step 4: Then, we’ll hold your session and get you started in feeling calmer and supporting your family!

To get started, make your payment below!


Have Questions? Email me by clicking here.