This class is now over, but if you’d like help with disciplining your kids and helping them to behave better, please contact me HERE to schedule a free, confidential, no obligation consultation call.
Discover the truth behind your child’s challenging behavior,
and end the cycle of frustration and despair when they don’t respond to your discipline.
Once you have these insights, you’ll be better equipped to help your child
change their behavior.
This 90 minute masterclass
with Sharon Epstein, Parent Coach,
is for parents who really love their kids and are ready to change the dynamic in their home to a more peaceful and loving one.
You don’t need to keep struggling and worrying alone.
Is this what is happening in your family?
Your child gets defiant, angry, hits, kicks, yells, ignores you, smirks, doesn’t listen, or doesn’t seem to care when you
discipline them.You’ve tried talking calmly, redirecting, yelling, rewards, reasoning, ignoring, time outs, sending your child to their room to calm down, consequences, or punishments, but NOTHING IS WORKING!
You feel powerless at times because you’re so capable in other parts of your life, but getting your kids to behave feels impossible.
You want your child to know their behavior is unacceptable and you want them to grow up to be a good person.
You feel regret and disappointment after you yell.
You secretly wonder if something is wrong with your child.
One of your biggest questions is, “Why is my child behaving this way?”
I get how frustrating this is.
At each moment, you’re doing the best you can with what you know.
That’s all any of us can do.
I didn’t learn how to change my approach to discipline until I was struggling with a child who melted down, laughed when I said no, wouldn’t stay in time out, and cried when I yelled at her.
I was at my wit’s end!
Like you, I had a sense that there had to be a better way to help my child flourish that included limits and structure, but was also much easier for both of us.
Through research and reliance on my skills in counseling and conflict resolution, I was able to have a breakthrough with my child, cut out all the drama, and help her behave.
And when I tried these same techniques with my more easy going child, they were just as effective.
Since then, these strategies have proven to be effective in the families of the hundreds of parents I’ve coached.
You also have the capacity to learn new skills that will help you be successful in raising your child to be the responsible, caring, considerate, kind, and capable person you want them to be.
3 Ways To Make Discipline Easier will show you the next steps to move forward.
This class gives you tools to uncover the root causes of your child’s behavior, help them calm down, and guide them to behave better.
When you know the top three discipline mistakes to avoid, you not only change the way you discipline and raise your child - you also start creating more harmony in your family.
This understanding helps you:
Find solutions that actually get your child to stop their problem behaviors.
Get through to your child so they actually listen.
See the good in your child and enjoy more happy, loving moments together.
Feel hopeful about your child’s future.
Smile and feel good about yourself as a parent.
You’ll be able to use the tools from this class now, and again and again, as your child grows.
I’m so excited to share this information with you!
Here’s what you’ll gain from this special class:
Deep inner work to help you stay calmer when your child acts up, so you can respond in the ways you want, and effectively guide your child to change their behavior.
Powerful tools to avoid common discipline mistakes, uncover the root cause of your child’s behavior and calm them, so you can help your child stop their problem behaviors.
Support to create a personalized plan for the next time your child acts up, as well as the opportunity to ask questions and get answers about your specific situation.
Here are the registration details:
April 16, 2024
7:30pm - 9pm Central
Zoom link provided when you register.
Replay available if you can’t make it live.
Cost - $29
“Your class gave me a new way to think about discipline. It makes sense and feels RIGHT. The real life examples you shared made it easy to see how to use these techniques. I’m excited to apply what I learned!””
“Sharon, thank you for your presentation. You made us all feel so comfortable. I need these tools to get my daughter to listen. During your class I started to see things in a different way and I’m going to use what you taught us.”
“The value of these tools is that we can apply them in the way that feels right for us and our kids. Your examples were great. Everything you shared was very practical. For better or worse, I had the chance to use this with my son a few days after our class and it worked! I didn’t yell and my son didn’t argue with me. We actually found a solution and so far, he’s doing better. Thank you!”
Hi, I’m Sharon!
As a certified coach and former corporate leadership trainer, I’ve coached and trained hundreds of people to resolve conflicts, communicate effectively, feel more calm and confident as parents, and have more peace in their lives.
As a mom of a 15-year-old high school student and 19-year-old college student, I’ve lived through the tough times of parenting and come out the other side with close, loving relationships with both my kids.
They still confide in me and ask my advice. And they are close with each other as well.
Parents have been asking me for parenting advice since my oldest was in kindergarten, when they noticed that my kids listened to me and actually liked each other.
I’m known for caring deeply about families, offering practical solutions, empowering parents, and helping them to see themselves and their kids in a positive light.
Your relationship with your child is one of the most important relationships in your life.
My wish is for you to feel confident and proud of your parenting, and enjoy more loving moments with your children.