How To Discipline With Love
and Get Results
As a parent of a preschooler to pre-teen, you love your kids with all your heart, but getting them to behave is a real struggle.
Talks, threats and punishments aren’t getting you anywhere but frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed.
"How To Discipline With Love and Get Results" gives you tools to discipline your kids so they actually learn to behave better, and deepens your relationship with your kids at the same time.
Do you:
Feel frustrated or overwhelmed when your child just won’t listen?
Repeat the same phrases over and over, but your child still isn’t doing the right thing?
Argue with your child over screen time or homework?
Have a child who lies?
Feel like your child is pushing your buttons, questioning you too much, or being disrespectful when you try to discipline them?
Yell at your child and regret it afterwards?
Wonder if you’re being too easy or too tough on your kids?
Imagine what it will feel like to stay calm, have your child listen to you and then do what they’re supposed to.
How amazing would you feel if:
You had confidence that you were disciplining your child with the right combination of firmness and compassion.
Your child admitted their mistakes and then corrected them.
There was more peace in your home.
You knew you could handle whatever crazy discipline issue came your way.
You're the kind of parent who truly cares and is trying hard to raise your child to be happy, kind, confident, resilient and well behaved.
You need strategies that will help your child learn from their mistakes and get back on the right track.
That’s exactly why I created “How To Discipline With Love And Get Results” to take you from feeling worn out and frustrated to confident you’re taking the right steps to help your child behave and understand you have their best interests at heart.
I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle with discipline. I’m a mom, and my kids are 15 and 19. I yelled when my kids were young and misbehaved, and I felt terrible afterwards.
Yelling and time outs didn’t get my kids to behave as well as I wanted, but I didn’t know what else to do. I finally found ways that worked and made me feel like the parent I wanted to be.
As a certified coach and former leadership trainer, I’ve led over a hundred workshops to help people communicate effectively, feel more calm and confident as parents, and have more peace in their lives.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this free, one hour video:
The main reasons your kids may not be responding to the discipline you’re using now.
The key to understanding why your child is misbehaving, so you can choose the best response.
The 6 important steps that get your kids back on track in a loving, respectful, effective way.
BONUS: You’ll have the opportunity to email me or set up a free 20 minute call to ask me a question about your specific situation and get a practical tip you can start using right away.
“Your class gave me a new way to think about discipline. It makes sense and feels RIGHT. The real life examples you shared made it easy to see how to use these techniques. I’m excited to apply what I learned!””
“Sharon, thank you for your presentation. You made us all feel so comfortable. I need these tools to get my daughter to listen. During your class I started to see things in a different way and I’m going to use what you taught us.”
“The value of these tools is that we can apply them in the way that feels right for us and our kids. Your examples were great. Everything you shared was very practical. For better or worse, I had the chance to use this with my son a few days after our class and it worked! I didn’t yell and my son didn’t argue with me. We actually found a solution and so far, he’s doing better. Thank you!”