4 Tips To Help You and Your Child Start The School Year Successfully
How are you and your child feeling about the new school year?
Whether it’s excitement, anxiety, relief, or sadness, all of those feelings are completely normal.
This is a time of transition and change, from one season and routine to another.
However we’re feeling, we all want our kids to start off the school year confidently, happily and successfully.
Here are 4 tips to help you and your child have an easier start to school.
Tip 1: Help Your Kids Get Enough Sleep
Summer is a great time to stay up late, sleep in, and have a more relaxed schedule. Without a period of transitioning to an earlier bedtime, many kids can start the year off tired and have difficulty concentrating at school.
A week before school begins is a great time to have your children start going to bed and waking up earlier, at the times they'll go to sleep and wake up during the school year.
It's okay if they can't fall asleep right away. Sometimes, our bodies need a few days to acclimate to a new schedule.
It can also help to make changes in stages. For example, if your child has been going to bed at 9pm and their bedtime during the school year will be at 8pm, you can start by moving bedtime to 8:30pm for a few days, before moving it to 8pm. You can do the same with wake up time, if needed.
And if you don't have a week to prepare, that's totally okay. You can use whatever time you have to adjust your kids' bedtime.
Another thing that can help kids fall asleep earlier is staying off screens for 30 to 60 minutes before bed.
Tip 2: Tune In To What Your Child Is Feeling
Children can have a variety of feelings about the new school year.
They may be excited to see their friends, not looking forward to homework, wondering whether they’ll do well if school is harder this year, anxious about starting at a new school, or worried about making new friends.
It's completely normal and common for kids to feel a combination of feelings.
Whatever your child is feeling, tune in and support them.
If they're excited, share their excitement!
If they would benefit from having more information about their schedule or school, share the details they need to feel more comfortable. If there's an opportunity to visit a new school, teacher or classmates before the school year begins, that can also be calming for your child.
If your child is worried, validate their feelings, and discuss how to make their situation easier.
Click HERE for more tips about how to talk to your child about their anxiety and give them the support they need.
If you're not sure what your child is feeling, and you'd like to know, you can always ask.
One way to start this conversation is to say that kids often have a variety of feelings about going back to school, give a few examples, and then say you were wondering how they were feeling. This kind of phrasing normalizes having different types of feelings and can make it easier for kids to open up.
Another option is to share how you felt about starting school when you were their age. Then say you were wondering what they are thinking and feeling about school. This kind of openness normalizes feelings your child may have, and can help them feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts.
Pro-Tip: Kids pick up on our emotions easily, and our anxiety can feed their anxiety. If you are feeling anxious about the new school year, try not to let your child know.
I also hope you know that all of your feelings are totally normal and valid. It’s important for you to have the space to express your feelings and reduce your stress. Don’t forget to take care of you! Make sure you have someone to talk to and/or stress reduction activities that support you as well.
Tip 3: Get Organized
Getting back into a morning routine where kids get up and out the door on time can be stressful. Before school begins, it can be helpful for parents to figure out a system that can make mornings easier.
A few questions to consider:
1) Ideally, how would you like your mornings to go?
2) What could prevent your ideal morning from happening?
3) What can you do to prevent or address those issues if they arise?
Some solutions might include:
> Preparing lunches the night before
> Your child waking up earlier, so they don't feel rushed or so they have time to play after they get ready
> A checklist list or chart with pictures that helps your child remember what they need to do
> Choosing outfits the night before
> Portable breakfasts your kids can eat in the car
> Snuggling with your child for a few minutes before they get out of bed
> Getting enough sleep yourself, so you feel less stressed in the morning
If your child struggles to get up or get ready in the morning, you can also ask them what they think would make things easier.
Happier mornings can set a good tone for everyone's day, and prepare your child's brain to be more ready to learn when they get to school.
I'm a big believer in starting with the best solutions you can think of, seeing how they work, and then adjusting and asking for help, if necessary.
Please contact me HERE if you have any questions about how to smooth out your morning routine.
Tip 4: Mark The Transition to School With Connection and Celebration
Here are some ways you can joyfully mark the end of summer and the beginning of school.
> Spend 10-15 minutes a day doing something fun with your child
It doesn’t have to complicated or expensive. In fact, simpler is better. Let your child pick an activity they enjoy. This time is about being fully present with your child and enjoying some one-on-one time together.
If you can't do it every day or you can do it for longer periods, that is fine too. Just do what you can. Children crave our love and undivided attention more than anything, and this time can fill both your buckets in a meaningful way.
> Let pictures bring you joy
Together as a family, look at photos from your last few months. Pick out your favorites and talk about your most memorable times together. Take end of summer pictures to capture more memories.
> Enjoy a special meal or activity together as a family right before school starts
Take time to mark the end of summer, enjoy being together, and talk about what you’re looking forward to this school year.
Wishing you and your family a smooth and happy start to the school year!
Take the Next Step
Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs, and you don’t have to navigate it alone. Every parent deserves guidance tailored to their unique needs. Here are some ways I can support your journey:
1) Get free parenting tips - Click HERE for valuable advice tailored to real-life parenting challenges.
2) Explore parenting classes - Click HERE to discover classes designed to empower and inspire you.
3) Schedule a free, confidential consultation - Click HERE to connect for a one-on-one conversation about your family.
I believe every family deserves guidance that honors your individual needs, and I’m passionate about helping parents find practical, meaningful solutions that help their family thrive. Let’s work together to create positive and lasting changes for your family.