3 Steps When Punishments and Rewards
Aren’t Working
Here’s your recording and a bonus!
You can access your free recording HERE.
Use this passcode: Q$V9TwpK
As a bonus for registering for this class, you receive a $29 private coaching session.
(Limit one per family)
It's completely pitch-free.
The sole purpose of this coaching session is to give you at least one practical tip you can apply right away to help your child and make a big impact on your family.
I believe that great parents are the ones who really love their kids and don't give up when nothing is working or they're out of ideas.
The fact that you enrolled in this class to learn more about how to help your kids tells me that you're already a great parent!
That's why I'm opening my calendar to offer you a 30 minute coaching session where you can get your questions answered and discuss one area you'd like help supporting your child.
When you've been in a pattern for a while where what you've tried isn't working, it can help to get a new perspective and some support, so you feel more calm and confident about how to help your child.
As new approaches start to work, you'll be able to feel more peace, love and joy in your family and your life.
Sign up for your coaching session HERE.
I'd be honored to support you.
Enjoy the class and I look forward to talking to you soon!