The Skill

Every Parent Needs

Do you ever wonder: what’s the most important thing I can do for my child to help them succeed and be their best selves?


The answer lies in a foundational skill you can use in almost every situation you encounter as a parent.

Based in neuroscience, it's your starting point to finding solutions to the challenges you and your child are facing, and using it brings you and your child closer.

The closer your relationship with your child, the more influence you can have over their behavior and the more they’ll share their feelings and life with you (Isn’t this what we all want?).

When used regularly, this skill allows your child to see you as someone who understands them, believes in them, and can be trusted to help.


You can turn to this skill when you’re facing in-the-trenches challenges like how to:

  • Calm your child when they’re having a tantrum or meltdown.

  • Get your child to listen and cooperate, so they complete chores, do their homework and get out the door in the morning.

  • Discipline with love so your child stops doing that thing you’ve talked to them about 100 times, without having to use threats, bribes and punishments that don’t feel good to you and don’t always work.

  • Resolve fights between siblings so you have more peace in your home.

  • Stop backtalk, whining and complaining, so you enjoy the time you spend with your kids.

  • Get your child to open up to you so you know what’s happening in their life and you can help them when they’re going through a difficult time.


When we become parents, we don’t magically learn all the skills we need to get our kids to listen, and get along with each other and with us.

But no parent should have to struggle alone worrying about when things are going to get better, whether you’re making the best decisions for your child’s well-being and whether you’re doing the right thing as a parent.


That’s why I’m offering this class to give you a practical tool you can use on a daily basis to make every day life easier.

Imagine what it would feel like to have more calm, confidence and ease as a parent, and have your kids listen, open up, and feel close to you!

I’m a mom of two teenage girls, ages 14 and 18, and when my kids were young, I struggled with yelling when I felt overwhelmed. 

I have a strong-willed child who didn’t always listen, and my kids used to argue a lot.  I longed for a more peaceful, loving home.

I was finally able to find solutions by leaning back on my seventeen years in counseling, conflict management, and leadership training. When I started applying new approaches, backed by research, I calmed down, and I was able to get my kids to calm down, listen and get along.

After other parents started asking me for advice about what I was doing differently, and my suggestions worked for them too, I studied child development and became a certified coach.

As a parent coach, I’ve led workshops for and coached hundreds of parents of toddlers to tweens resolve conflicts and struggles with their kids, so everyone in your family can get along better, and you can have more peace, love and joy in your family and your life.


In this free, one hour class, you will:

  • Learn the important skill to use in almost every situation you encounter as a parent that helps you in the moment and helps your child grow into the best version of themselves.

  • Apply this skill to your personal situation - you’ll have time to ask me questions too!

  • Leave the class with more confidence as well as an action plan to put this skill to use.



For those who value their relationship with their kid/s and would like to improve things, I recommend attending Sharon’s 1 hour Zoom classes. Whether you walk away with a few actionable insights or want to pursue getting more personalized help, this is an effective way for a caring mom and/or dad to spend their time. Sharon is knowledgeable and encouraging, her content is high quality, and you will learn about and/or be reminded of helpful parenting principles and techniques in a comfortable online group setting.
— Michael B.
Your class gave me valuable new insights about my child. The real life examples you shared made it easy to see how to use these steps. I’m excited to apply what I learned!
— Liana M.
The value of these tools is that we can apply them in the way that feels right for us and our kids. Your examples were great. Everything you shared was very practical. For better or worse, I had the chance to use this with my son a few days after our class and it worked! I didn’t yell and my son didn’t argue with me. We actually found a solution and so far, he’s doing better. Thank you!
— Cara L.

Every parent can benefit from this skill to create a closer relationship with your kids and feel like the parent you want to be.